Aurora Travel | Bus / Train / Ferry Tickets
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Bus / Train / Ferry Tickets

AURORA TRAVEL answers: “Everything is possible, to the details!”

You’ve had a lot of action at work during the year, and sometimes you just need a beach, cocktail and sunbathing on your holiday.
However, if during the year you were pinned to a computer, your journey took place according to the usual scheme: house-car, car-office, and just back home, it’s time for one big action and an unforgettable adventure.
You want to travel so much like this: by plane to a certain city, and by train to that small place on the coast, then by boat to the other coast, and by bus to that village from the fairytale …

AURORA TRAVEL answers: “Everything is possible, to the details!”

Luckily, there’s help from a friend … huh! There is AURORA TRAVEL.